The Truth About Twitter and Viral Videos: 5 Surprising Facts
Are you wondering what all the hype is around Twitter and viral videos? Well, wonder no more! In this blog, we'll be discussing five surprising facts about both social media platforms. From the history of Twitter to the mechanics of a viral video , you're going to learn everything you need to know about Twitter and viral videos. So sit back and get ready to be surprised! What is a viral video? Twitter and other social media platforms are great tools for promoting viral videos. But what is a viral video, exactly? A viral video is typically a video that goes viral - meaning it gets shared and viewed many times on social media. Funny or entertaining video content is a key factor in making a video go viral, as is making sure the video is interesting and engaging. Always have marketing plans in place for any videos you plan to release - once they go live, there's no turning back! And as for video titles...sometimes a funny or clever headline can help get the word out about a ...